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Letters & Emails

To celebrate those who took the time to celebrate me...


I wanted to take a minute to let you know how much we appreciate your show and what you do for the synth / goth / ebm / whatever ya wanna call it scene. Here in NY, our only "new wave" station, WLIR has gone commercial for the most part, so we are doing all we can to keep the scene alive!!!! Thanks and keep up the great work!

Yours, Isabel and the NYC goth community


Hey there,

I have moved recently and I can finally can get KZSC loud and clear....Your show sounds bloody great...really do a wonderful job...and I am glad I moved!!!

The DJ that sits here in awe.... take care....


Greetings Victoria DJ Goddess of the Darkness,  We LOVE your show!!!! My dorm mates and I here at UCSC look forward to and record your show each and every Wednesday!

Much gratitude and love  
Chris Moon  (*


I just want to let you know that your show rocks!! My boyfriend and I anticipate every Wednesday to finally hear some good music on the radio station. I just started recording the show too, so I have something to play in the car. Keep up the good work. The show kicks ass!


I would like to say that you have one very devoted listener here. I have been listening to Dark Circles since it has been advertized for the first time in Aggressive Therapy. And since then I hardly ever missed a show, and I loved every single moment of it.   I think that you are a gothic goddess. I think we are just very lucky to have you here in Santa Cruz. Please keep on your beautiful work.  

Yours truly, Gary


I used to listen to your show regularly when I worked late. Havn't been able to listen for awhile. Will you be doing the show much longer? If so I plan to start recording it again. It was my favorite radio program during the week. I used to record the shows, listen a few times, then go out and pick up some new CDs. It increased my music library and broadened my musical tastes. Hope you will continue the show... Keep up the good work!

Ron in Santa Cruz

For more information, or to contact DJ Victoria*, please send email to